当前位置:首页 »新闻资讯»土工格栅常用作加筋土结构的筋材或复合材料的筋材等

发布日期:[2019-7-9 11:18:08]    共阅[1680]次
Geogrid is one of the main geosynthetics. Compared with other geosynthetics, it has unique performance and efficacy.
It is often used as reinforcement material of reinforced earth structure or composite material. Geogrids are divided into four categories: plastic geogrid, steel-plastic geogrid, glass fiber geogrid and polyester pajiahulu.07858.net fanghuomen.07858.net suliaojixie.71ix.combaowenban.71ix.comdiguandai.07858.netzhoucheng.71ix.comwarp-knitted polyester geogrid.
The grid is a two-dimensional grid or three-dimensional grid with a certain height, which is made of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other macromolecule polymers by thermoplastic or moulding. It is called geogrid when it is used in civil engineering.
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